Today I did Focus T25: Beta Speed 2.0 for the first time! It would be considered day: 37 by the calendar (but I am doing it as part of my own Body Beast/T25 hybrid).

Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial and Shaun T kablam intro at the beginning and cool down at the end and it is really 30 minutes.
Equipment needed: ‘Nada’
Oh SNAP! Shaun T does not have a shirt for this workout. I just got scared for what is about to happen.
This workout is like Alpha - it is set to a cool music tempo and requires you to have some coordination. I am not going to lie! Tonia is the modifier, like always, so follow her for lower impact moves.
Round 1/Level 1:
Out + out turn

Quick feet up + back - Okay, these are hard to keep up with and I blame the carpet in my work out room. I did a modified/try not to fall over kind of move but kept up as best I could. I am going to have to go cut the long threads of carpet off that I unraveled.

Alternating speed knee slow - Oh my gosh, my calves started burning. This could have been from leg day yesterday or the sheer madness of what was happening.

Slow mountain climber

Jab out - grab a few breaths… core hurting…

Low switch kick

Speed + agility - ‘Up, center, back, center, wide’.


20:35 minute marker: Round 1/Level 2:
Out + out + turn
Quick feet up + back
Alternating speed knee slow
Slow mountain climber
Jab out
Low switch kick
Speed + agility
Up + over
18:05 minute marker: Round 1/Level 3:
Out + out + turn

Quick feet up + back
Alternating speed knee slow

Slow mountain climber

Jab out
Low switch kick
Speed + agility - 'Make sure you take that breath but not a break’.
Up + over

16:49 minute marker: Round 2/Level 1:
Low crossjack

Hop up + back

Hop hop squat

Squat hop up + back

Single leg speed knee (L) - the music just got… sweet. :) He even says to listen to it. I did my best to stay on the ball of my supporting foot but it made my calf feel like it was on FIRE.

Single leg speed knee (R)

Jack uppercut - I like when Shaun talks to the cameraman and is sweating up a storm. It took me a few times to figure out the coordination of jack/uppercut.

Zigzag hop

“X” lunge speed time - It took me a couple times to figure this out but I got it.

11:58 minute marker: Round 2/Level 2:
Low crossjack
Hop up + back - he calls these 'standing crunches’.
Hop hop squat
Squat hop up + back
Single leg speed knee (L)
Single leg speed knee (R)
Jack uppercut
Zigzag hop
“X” lunge speed time
9:09 minute marker: Round 2/Level 3:
Low crossjack
Hop up + back
Hop hop squat - I love when Shaun turns out of frame.
Squat hop up + back
Single leg speed knee (L)
Single leg speed knee (R)
Jack uppercut
Zigzag hop
“X” lunge speed time
7:44 minute marker: Jog Recovery

Yeah, it’s time to go all out. I GOT THIS!
7:25 minute marker: From top/Level 1:
Out + out + turn
Quick feet up + back
Alternating speed knee slow
Slow mountain climber
Jab out
Low switch kick
Speed + agility
Up + over
Low crossjack

Hop up + back
Hop hop squat
Squat hop up + back

Single leg speed knee (L)
Single leg speed knee (R)
Jack uppercut - HA! Shaun said the wrong one at first. Things are intense.
Zigzag hop

“X” lunge speed time
4:44 minute marker: From top/Level 1 (quicker counts):
Out + out + turn
Quick feet up + back
Alternating speed knee slow
Slow mountain climber
Jab out
Low switch kick
Speed + agility
Up + over
Low crossjack
Hop up + back
Hop hop squat
Squat hop up + back
Single leg speed knee (L)
Single leg speed knee ®
Jack uppercut
Zigzag hop
“X” lunge speed time
2:05 minute marker: Jog recovery

1:28 minute marker: From Top/Level 2 (each more for one count):
I gave myself a pep talk during this jog. The moves only happen once so it turns into a dance routine with sweat flying everywhere. That’s pretty cool.
Yeah, neighbors, see me dancing? I have skills.
Who am I talking to? There are no windows in my workout basement room.
Out + out + turn
Quick feet up + back
Alternating speed knee slow
Slow mountain climber
Jab out
Low switch kick
Speed + agility
Up + over
Low crossjack
Hop up + back
Hop hop squat
Squat hop up + back
Single leg speed knee (L)
Single leg speed knee ®
Jack uppercut
Zigzag hop
“X” lunge speed time
:07 minute marker: Jog Recovery

Which, by the way, you jog for like 5 seconds and then it is over. My heart rate was in the clouds that I would not call it a proper cool-down or 'recovery’ period.
Cool down:
Cool down/Active stretching (2:30 minutes):
Alternating knee lifts
Hold knee lifts
Alternating quad stretch
Hold quad stretch
Alternating prayer stretch

Hold prayer stretch
Round release back
Arms to ground - roll up slowly

Final thoughts:
OH MY GOSH. This workout moved so fast and had so many choreographed moves that I barely noticed time passing. I was busy trying to pretend I was a good dancer and keeping up with Shaun. NAILED IT.
With the cool down and a few minutes of 'catch my breath’ time I burned 405 calories during this crazy workout/dance video.

Beforehand, I did Body Beast Bulk: Shoulders. I also put on the awesome shirt my friend gave me yesterday (I washed it, don’t worry) after my shower! It says, 'SMART GIRLS USE DUMBBELLS’ (if you can’t read it). :) Ironically, it is tight on my deltoilds/biceps.
This is a fantastic cardio workout if you want to get your boogie on, sweat buckets, and burn calories!