Today was the last day to enter Shaun T’s INSANITY (63 days) Birthday Challenge so I had to get the Fit Test done. This is about a 30 minute disc that you spend a few minutes warming up and the rest performing the basic INSANITY moves as many times as you can.
Basically, it is the tool you will use to make sure you are improving/work to improve throughout the program. Everyone needs to see some kind of improvement with anything.

As you can see below (this is framed and hanging on the wall of my workout room) I have done a few rounds of INSANITY over the years. :)
I eventually stopped writing on the calendar and started keeping an electronic trail (thus the empty spots).

I got a really good calorie burn (270 calories) in about 28 minutes during this Fit Test. I remember thinking - crap, I remember this now. It is all coming back to me…
Shaun T would say things like:
‘INSANITY is not sexist’.
'If you can beat these two machines, you know you’re in the pocket’. (I did, several times - pocket success)
'Let’s talk about it’. (After doing push-up jacks)
'You do the math’.
'Chris is over here crying’. (At the end)
'You gotta move, you gotta go, you gotta stay strong’.
'I gotta say, congratulations.’ (At the end - my favorite)

Here are my results! I used my old numbers on the chart hanging on the wall behind me to try to 'beat’ and did so in most cases! Yes, Asylum 1 and 2 have got me into good shape (I hope I do not eat my words later) for doing INSANITY again.

Here is my Shaun T Birthday Challenge 'before’ photo! I have dared myself to finally find my 6-pack (abs) by the time I take my 'after’ photo. COME ON INSANITY!
I plan to supplement with a healthy diet, running, 5Ks, and some strength training.

At this point, I was drooling sweat out of my eyes and knew I had to do Asylum V2 Championship + Sudden Death OT (the last scheduled workout for completing my round of Asylum 2). I am not one to leave things unfinished, so I grabbed another bottle of water, threw out my ladder and reset my FR.

I know I said 'you SOB’ (without the abbreviation) while holding my knees and panting once during this hour.
I also remember yelling that 'I should have eaten a banana’. BTW - Shaun T - I want a banana shirt. (He says 'this shi*t is bananas’ during one of the INSANITY workouts).
Somehow I managed to finish 8 rounds of OT (which is pretty dang good) for being completely exhausted. At the end, I was laying on my back on the floor. No photos were taken. Thank goodness.
I will not have to use my 'cheat sheet’ (below on the left) for a few months while I do INSANITY! The calorie burn for Championship + Sudden Death OT is on the right.

My combined calorie burn was around 865 calories. WHAT? Yeah, I could feel it. My legs can feel it. I think I ate around 8-10 egg whites and a wheat bagel thin after my shower. HA!
I too my before measurements to submit on Team Beachbody and photos. Since I never got my free INSANITY completion shirt, I am going to submit the form with my before, 30 days, and after photos (like I am supposed to).
My daughter kept trying to get in every single photo (we have some funny ones). Here are a couple for our own entertainment.

I will keep you posted on the INSANITY workouts since I do not have a good review on my blog yet. Tomorrow is Plyometric Cardio Circuit so stay tuned in the next day or two for my report!
Since the first month of INSANITY tends to be between 30-45 minutes, I may run on the days that I can as well as lift 2-3 times a week.
Tools that are going to be beneficial to this INSANITY round:
Taking my vitamins/supplements
Eating enough and cleanly - remember to eat to fuel your body not because you are hungry.
FR 70 and heart rate monitor
Team Beachbody (which I can choose to auto-schedule my workouts and not worry about figuring out what workout is up next)
Following Shaun T on Twitter @shauntfitness
…and on Facebook at shauntfitness
…and on YouTube
Writing to YOU!
Until next time, as Shaun T would say - DIG DEEP! <3